There are endless hiking options in Colorado, and the Front Range is one of the best areas to explore. Best Hikes Colorado’s Front Range highlights the top trails from Fort Collins down to Colorado Springs. The book includes a variety of hikes in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains for everyone from novice hikers to more experienced adventurers. Best Hikes Colorado’s Front Range offers 40 main hikes plus 8 bonus hikes ranging in altitude from 5,000 to 14,000 feet — all within driving distance of Fort Collins, Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs.
Inside you’ll find:
oWide variety of hikes
oAt-a-glance difficulty ratings, trail contacts, fees and permits, local information, and much more
oAccurate, easy-to-follow directions to the trailhead
oDetailed trail descriptions, mile-by-mile directional cues, and GPS-compatible trail maps